- Noma (1): been there twice already, see here impressions (and some pictures) from the first time, the second was a lunch in October last year-- still have to get hold of those pictures online somewhere. Vale?
- Alinea (6): been there exactly a month ago, details yet to come.
- Per Se (10): visited for lunch during a brief but intense visit to NYC in November 2010, promised I would write impressions soon. I liked it more than Alinea, for starters...
- Les Créations de Narisawa (12): end 2009, there is a whole saga behind this. This is also the one place that I believe still has a lot of growing chances. Can only go up in the world rankings, looking forward to seeing that materialize.
Remark as well that Noma, Alinea and Narisawa are respectively the 2011 top restaurants on the three continents I know (to a little extent) so far.
Maybe I should try to book Noma, it is not so far for me!
a Danish economist
Unfortunately not being far from it, does not make it easier for you to book-- and I imagine it is getting worse in that respect, with Noma being top of the world for the second consecutive year. But persistence is the key!
PS. You can always try some top Swedish restaurants, if you check carefully there are quite a few in top 100, starting with the famous Mathias Dahlgren on 52, then Frantzen/Lindeberg on 57 (which is "the one to watch" as labeled by San pellegrino!), Oaxen Krog on 63, Fäviken on 71,... Sweden has quite a few of them in top 100. Those should be relatively easier to book than Noma while also rather close to anybody in Scandinavia... Still looking forward to try those myself.
Aha Sebs, are you tweeting now! How about Facebook, can we convince you? Nico.
I don't think so... In fact I am not even going to use this tweeting very often, will see: the blog remains the basis :-).
Ntz ntz ntzz! As umbla si io la nome da' nu m-or tzine bracinarele maestre! Ies oara cu doua remuneratii??
Vad ca a ajuns comentariul cu intarziere. Daca vrei vin etc. rezerva cam 350-400 euro de persoana (poate e si mai mult acum). Doar pentru ocazii speciale, deci :-).
Tulai!! Stai, sa mai zic o data: Tulaaai!
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