Saturday, November 07, 2009

Weekend Econlinks

  • The Levitt vs. Heckman leitmotive (actually the rest of that Univ of Chicago Magazine article is more interesting; in general, I think people put too many resources into this sort of personalized academic fights). Earlier on the same topic (3rd bullet point). See also an essay on the economics-made-for-fun genre, kind of vague / unfocused, but some parts are well worth your time (such as the beginning summary of the books in this econ-made-for-fun area)

  • Best US cities for classical music, in '09. Worldwide, I would place London, Amsterdam and Vienna somewhere in top 5. Not sure about Tokyo yet, since I was for too little there (and still have to put my impressions on paper... well, blog).


Nnicu said...

Maestre, concluzionez ca nu stiu nimic despre marii economisti, pentru ca nu am ghicit decat 2. Dezastru :-(

Sebi Buhai said...

Nenicule, treci la studiu :-) Ai niste resurse excelente acolo in materie de istorie a economiei.