Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Econlinks: The Freudian interlude


Nnicu said...

Maestre deci doua trebshoare la tine: primo, n-am gast filmu' portughez sa-l iau pe hard.. si nevasta nu mai poa' far' sa'l vada. musai. secundo, macar vinu' aista sa i-l ofer ca altfel de bai cu femeia

Anonymous said...

In this part of the world we usually face the opposite problem: don't give her the job offer because she will never take it :P
a Danish economist

Sebi Buhai said...

@nenicu: dom'le, da si matale cativa dolari si cumpara DVD-ul de pe Amazon, ce sa zic (ca sa nu incurajez pirateria: altfel sunt sigur ca gasesti destui experti care iti fac rost de orice film download).
Despre G-spot: inca nu l-am gasit nici eu, dar acum sunt sigur ca exista. Te tin la curent, femeia sa aiba rabdare :-).

@Danish economist: sorry, but I don't understand how that can ever affect the utility of the department. Was it a typo and you meant "give her the job offer because she will never take it", maybe? If that were the case, I agree that in that part of the world that situation is equally encountered. But the first is certainly not missing, perhaps hidden a bit from everybody's knowledge-- as, unfortunately, and you should know this, the hiring process is much more secretive in such places-- paradoxically, given that the very top places are so open about everything, and the full department always participates in decision making. One major flaw of the vast majority of European academe, indeed.

Nicole said...

Naughty, naughty, Sebs. Let me see, was it Overachiever or No Strings Attached? Hi hi :)

Sebi Buhai said...

Nico, you're flattering me (or yourself? :-)): I was Self-Absorbed :-). By the way, since we got to that, are you still still In-A-Relationship-But-Looking? Not for other reason, but I might stop being Self-Absorbed in that case and pay some attention. Touché? :-)