Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Jazz Impressions of Japan

The flawless Koto Song is my newest 'creative background piece': works miracles for theory modeling! For running regressions give Tokyo Traffic a shot.

More on Brubeck's best album ever (with some credits to my jazz-expert friend Dean). 


Nnicu said...

Dom'le, relaxant intr-adevar.
Si' zici ca merita sa vezi un meci NBA? Cam cit costa?

Sebi Buhai said...

"relaxant"? atat? :-)

Bulls: depinde cat de aproape de teren vrei sa fii. Daca nu esti pretentios poti gasi pe la 100 USD. Daca vrei sa dai mana cu Derrick Rose et al (sau cu majoretele...), gandeste-te la 5000, 10000, chiar mai mult :-).