Saturday, February 24, 2007

Song of the day: КОРАБЛИ (The Ships) by Vladimir Vysotsky

The song for today is written and interpreted by the one and only Vladimir Vysotsky, the Russian "Elvis" as many called him. A concise description of Vysotsky's musical "signature" can be consulted here. I've just read an interesting short article about him, in Romanian (which reminded me of the great Vysotsky, to start with), article which is however contained in the much more detailed English wikipedia entry (most likely the inspiration source for the Romanian articled linked above), which has quite a few of further excellent references. For instance, there is a site where you can download most of Vysotsky's songs (in mp3 format). You can also read the English translation of some of his songs. And (again, long live YouTube!) you can actually see quite a few good quality videoclips with Vladimir Vysotsky, on YouTube. The song of the day is the beautiful "КОРАБЛИ" (The Ships). The lyrics in English are below. Enjoy, keeping in mind what Vysotsky himself said about his songs: "I want to state and assure you, that the author's song demands great work. This song is always living with you, never giving you rest".

The Ships (КОРАБЛИ)

Vladimir Vysotsky (translation in English by Alec Vagapov)

They will stay for a while,
And then they’ll take course
But they will return
Breaking through winds a-wailing.
And it won’t take six months
Till I’m back at my house.
Just to set out again,
To set out for a six month’s a-sailing.

Everybody returns
But the best of our friends,
And the best loving, faithful,
Adorable women.
Everybody returns
But for those we need most
I believe not in fate
I believe not in fate
Nor myself I believe in.

Yet I really want
To believe I am wrong,
And that burning one’s boats
Will be soon void of meaning.
I am sure to return
Full of dreams, friends along,
And it won’t take six months
And it won’t take six months
Till I get back to singing.

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